Make your bathroom spotless with our comprehensive bathroom cleaning checklist.
Maintaining your bathroom sparkling can be tiresome. Do you ever remember when last time you looked at bathroom tiles inside the shower and thought, “Wow the dirt I see is unbelievable”? For sure, it happens to many households, not only yours.
The main cause the bathroom is a principal place to accumulate and build-up limescale, grime and dirt are because of how often we clean it. Daily life keeps us occupied, tired or exhausted, many of us neglect to do the basic sanitizing and maintenance cleaning. Therefore, we only tend to perform spot clean areas which that appear dirty. But this is like the mirage, the main problem is that often, tile and grout don’t “seem dirty” until the grime builds up so much that it’s so obvious that you need to do some cleaning.
So many of our customers asked us to provide them with an accurate bathroom checklist, so they can maintain their bathrooms in excellent shape. For that reason, we have stepped up and we have decided it is the right moment to publish it so many can have access to it. It takes from 30 minutes up to an hour once per week to perform it.

1. CleanING Tub and Shower.
The most burdensome task is to tackle the bathtub and/or shower. If left uncleaned for a long period of time, tile and grout can quickly become a massive task. If you are seeming to struggle with a vast amount of mould, damaged grout, or stubborn water stains, call CCL Cleaners to assist or perhaps send an expert to you. Alternatively, follow these steps to keep your tub or shower clean:
Once you begin to clean and maintain your shower often, you may want to consider substitute your bar soap for shampoo. The residue build-up from bar its difficulty to clean.
Vanity and the bathroom sink are a prime locations for the accumulation of gunk. Using products like toothpaste, makeup, hair care products, men’s shaving gels, or soap it can become a plethora of build-up and residue that cries to be scrubbed up for hours or getting a hand to powerful chemicals once again.
How reduce the accumulation of sink muck?
Main point is to wipe it down each day. Deep clean it off once per week even if you use harsh chemicals, this will help to maintain in better shape.
At the end of your makeup routine or shaving procedure, just wipe down the vanity and sink with the already made solution before storming out of the bathroom. Regular vanity wipes down are essential at least once per week, remove all items from top and give the vanity a thorough clean and scrub.
If your bathroom contains Tub/shower, surely that it has some sort of curtain and a rod. Mildew and stains easily build up. For that reason, at least once a week, take five minutes to wipe it down with damp cloth.
Chrome ornaments are visible to “the naked” eye. Fixtures like the little drain cover in your sink getting heavily lime scaled when constantly run by water. If you remove it you will find a lot of accumulated mould. For that reason, it will be helpful once per week, grasp your baking soda solution and scrub the drain block and chrome fixtures of your sink then rinse. Then, take and spray a paper towel lightly with and wipe them down again, this will help them dry and shine.
You probably this is the dirtiest job, and you are right! Many bacteria live on the toilet seat and around the toilet bowl. Get the job done fast by flowing few simple steps. Take a bottle of bleach and apply from the bottle directly into the bowl, try to spread it evenly. When you think is done leave it. Meanwhile, take a paper towel and made a dip the paper towel into a ready bleach/water solution 1/20. Wipe down, toilet seat, bowel around and behind. Close the toilet seat and leave the bleach to do its job for 20-30 min. After that flash the water. Check if any residue or filth left inside the bowl, if yes take the toilet brush and scrub it off. Job is done and the toilet is sanitized and odour-free.
Cleaning bathroom cabinets it’s a straightforward job. Take a dump cloth dip it into ready mix solution of baking soda, wipe down internally and externally. Don’t forget to include cabinet handles and mirrors. Re-organize items inside.
Bathroom mirror easily accumulate mucks. Once you have completed tasks to clean sink and vanity and they are absolutely shiny, use the same Glass Cleaner or the vinegar ready-mix solution to lightly spray the mirror. If you don’t have a window microfibre cloth you can use a piece of newspaper, use it to wipe down the mirrors, alternatively paper towel will do the same job.
In two simple steps you can nicely clean your bathroom bin. First, empty the bin, wipe down with a damp cloth dipped into ready-mixed solution. Put a new clean refuse sack. Use the vinegar solution to scrub, wipe and, polish the bin externally. Alternatively, you can wash it inside tub by using sponge and washing up liquid. Rinse and dry it.
Air vent are often neglected, because they are mainly installed high on the ceilings or up the walls. Use dry microfibre cloth to try to unclog dust inside ventilator. Other thing to do is to wipe from outside, this time with ready mixed solution. You can do this regularly once a month by using step ladder and climb up high with your bottle of bathroom bliss homemade cleaner and a screwdriver. Then follow these instructions:
Straightforward job, just like the air vent, baseboards are often overlooked. It’s easy to clean them from time to time, the tip is that if you do this often you can do it with the dry cloth, it will keep the accumulation of dust at bay.
Any mat sets on the bathroom floor will pick up lots of mites, hair, dust, etc. We highly recommend picking them up and run the washed in the washing machine once a week. Dry them out and place them back.
Take your vacuum cleaner and thoroughly clean floors, don’t miss to hoover the edges and corners.
This is the final task. Take a mop and bucket, dip the mop into the ready-mixed solution, and mop the floors nicely. Once you finished rinsing the mop and make it ready for the next clean.
If you have an amazing tip for cleaning bathrooms that we might have missed on our cleaning checklist? Please, let us know.