Fast way of organising and cleaning a room.
Our rooms are very important and vital for human life. Our rooms should be a safe space where you can go in at any time. It is where we get our necessary energy for the day. Therefore, it must be organised well and clean.

1. Firstly, before we get into organising our room, we must figure out a plan. The organisation and creation of a room will be different for every individual. For example, some may need more room such as a child to play and learn. Whereas adults may want less space so it doesn’t get filled with clutter. Some may have more things in their room to add a taste of their personality in it or some may adore the more simplistic side of materialism. Therefore, create a mind-map of your ideal bedroom and how you want things to look like, you wouldn’t want to reorganise your room for it to not look nice and have to move everything around again do you? This would also make you more efficient
2. Afterwards, you should aim to get rid of clutter and thoroughly clean your room to get rid of any dirt or dust and finally clean out your messy wardrobe!
3. Decide whether you want your clothes to be on hangers or just neatly folded! To avoid not having enough room in your wardrobe you should fold sweaters rather than hang them up as well as pyjamas. If you have a dresser invest in small boxes to fit in where you can store your undies and socks rather than have them scattered across your floor which will just make you even more stressed out! Investing in a shoe rack would also be beneficial but to save more space you should look into shoe hangers which can be attached to the back of your door or wardrobe making them easier to manage! Many people tend to place their wardrobes opposite their bed or on the side to avoid space being used up.
4. Place your bed somewhere in the middle of the wall, this will allow more walking space and more space to put other things such as dressers or desks. Many choose to place their bed opposite a window to allow the natural light to wake them up, due to its brightness it encourages you to wake up quicker and allows a more productive day. Many place boxes underneath their bed for things they don’t need as often or will take up extra room such as smaller necessities or old stuff where you don’t know where to put. Usually adding a nightstand into your room will also be beneficial. You can place a lamp or your favourite book! Many prefer when it has drawers as well because they can store important things such as glasses or contacts which can be easily misplaced if put on another desk. However, if you have children you may want a drawer with more shelves to put more toys and books in!
5. Many would also love to decorate their walls. Many people hang up their favourite photos or add shelves to spice up their room and show off their personality! If you have children adding shelves to put books on to save space is a must! You could also put up their trophies or teddies up there too! Many adults put up plants on shelves to provide a more floral feel to the room. Many also put posters and maps on their wall. Adding LED lights would also improve the room.
6. Place a mirror somewhere! Having a mirror definitely helps when planning an outfit some people tend to have a dresser with a mirror or sometimes, they attach it to their door to reduce space being taken up.
7. Many loves putting a comfy chair or a mini sofa in the corner of their room to have somewhere to sit and enjoy a nice book or to catch up on their new favourite series! A bean bag or a massage chair can really help spice up your room!
8. a window to allow natural lighting as natural lighting helps spike productivity and inspiration whereas artificial light will make one feel sleepier! It is also a perfect space for all stationery and folders.